Watch videos and learn about Felix "Fox" Harris
PM Magazine Feature, 1983 In this PM Magazine Feature, Felix "Fox" Harris totems are seen in their original location- Harris' front yard. Watch Mr. Harris and see totems that are not on display in AMSET's installation.
Lynn Castle, Executive Director
Art Museum of Southeast Texas Executive Director, Lynn Castle gives a personal account of the museum's involvement with Felix "Fox" Harris totems since 1987.
Neighborhood Rumors about "The Voodoo Man"
Elray Wolf, nephew of Felix "Fox" Harris explains the reaction of Harris' neighbors to his art-filled yard. Patty Williams, a Kelly High School graduate also gives her early experiences with "The Voodoo Man."
Andy Gardner, Curator of Education/Outreach In this video Andy Gardner, AMSET's Co-Curator of Education tells a lively story of his first experience with "The Voodoo Man."